IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting

Fuel Tax Calculation & Reporting

IFTA Fuel Tax Features

IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting is one of the most time consuming tasks a Motor Carrier must complete. Record keeping for each quarterly filing can be overwhelming. The IFTA Module makes completing your quarterly IFTA Tax Returns fast and painless, saving you valuable time and money!

ELD Integration

State Miles are automatically gathered from fleet vehicles by integrating with the existing ELD Application.

IFTA Adjustments

Easily calculate and input missing mileages and fuel purchases after the fact using the included advanced IFTA Tools.

Current Fuel Tax Rates

Tax Rates are automatically downloaded and installed each quarter when they are released by the IFTA Organization.

One Button Click Reporting

Calculate and Print your quarterly IFTA Fuel Tax Reports with a single button click, saving time and money!

DOT Compliance Services

Included Modules

IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting

Automated IFTA Tax Tools

ELD Integration is at the heart of the IFTA Reporting Feature.  An advanced Mileage Calculation and an easy to use IFTA Adjustment Feature provides all of the tools needed to easily fill in the blanks.

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Employee Compliance Tracking

Easily meet Employee Requirements

Track Expiration Dates, MVR Violations, and Drug Test Results, and much more with the powerful tools included in the Employee DOT Compliance Module. 

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Vehicle Maintenance Tracking

Keep Your Vehicles On The Road

Easily create Preventive Maintenance Schedules that can be shared among all Fleet Vehicles, and have the system automatically notify you and create Work Orders when PM Items become due. 

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Complete DOT Compliance Application Suite